Can hedgehogs give my pets fleas?
In a short answer, no!
The fleas that can live on hedgehogs (Archaeopsylla erinacei) have evolved to live only on hedgehogs and so will not survive elsewhere for long. This makes sense when you think about it, since the flea "habitat" of a hedgehog with their spines is very different to fur.
Furthermore, the stereotype that all hedgehogs have fleas isn't true, and may have originated in the fact that hedgehogs that are seen by people in the daytime are often unwell and more likely to have parasites.
Can pets harm hedgehogs?
Cats usually ignore hedgehogs and do not pose a big threat, although they may be curious.
Dogs — often breeds like terriers — can attack hedgehogs, and young hogs can be killed. However, the spines are usually enough to teach dogs not to try again. You can avoid mishaps by turning your outside light on at least a minute before letting your dog out in the evenings, to give hedgehogs a chance to leave.
Talk to your neighbours before putting in a hedgehog hole to their garden, particularly if you are concerned how their pets will react.
Will pets be able to get through a hedgehog hole?
A hedgehog hole needs to be about 13cm (5 inches) in order to be sure a hedgehog can get through. This is too small for most pets like cats and dogs that may be roaming a garden. Cats are quite agile so will find a way in regardless, using their jumping skills or superior intellect.
An extra step you can take is to install a tunnel of some kind leading up to the hole to discourage pets.
How can I be sure that hedgehogs are visiting my garden?
The best way to be sure what's visiting your garden is to set up a camera with infrared nightvision capabilities. There are wildlife trail cameras that can be bought for a reasonable price online, as well as options from Google (Nest Camera) or the Ring range of cameras originally designed for security purposes but that can work well to spot wildlife.
If you are feeding hedgehogs with dry food, a good sign is when there are crumbs left over. It's really only hedgehogs that do that, since other animals like cats, foxes and rodents don't tend to leave crumbs.
How do I record my hedgehog sightings online?
If you would like to record your hedgehog sightings, it's best to use the Big Hedgehog Map, which is part of the Hedgehog Street project.
You can record hedgehog holes on there as well, but the map is more of a national level and you can't zoom in quite as far. Our map is for coordinating hedgehog holes in our area—recording the success of the project—and gives a clearer overview in a relatively smaller radius.
How do I feed only hedgehogs, and nothing else?
There are a number of methods to ensure that you only feed hedgehogs and not other animals like cats, foxes, mice or rats.
You can put food and water in a feeding station, whether it's one you've built or one you've purchased. There are now a range of options available to buy, or plans to make your own online. Typically these will have multiple offset corner entrances (to deter cats), a removable lid for easy access for cleaning and some even have door flaps that act as an effective rat deterrent.
I use the Riverside Eco Hedgehog Feeding Station with some third-party doors made of perspex that are easy to install.
There's a sick/injured hedgehog in my garden
If you have found a hedgehog that you think is sick or injured please get in touch with the Corsham Area Hedgehog Rescue via their Facebook page. Read the About section on that page for contact details.
Do you have more questions? Get in touch.