Pledge to help

Map your hedgehog hole

You can pledge to help by adding the location of your hedgehog hole to our map of the area.

How do I create a hole?

To open your garden up to hedgehogs we can make holes in or under our garden fences and walls for them to pass through. All it takes is a 13cm (5 inch) hole. This can be achieved by cutting a hole in a fence using a drill or jigsaw, removing a brick or drilling a hole in a wall using a core drill bit, or by digging a channel underneath a barrier.

Mark your hedgehog hole

Once you have a hole or gap made, be sure to mark it so that it doesn't get accidentally blocked in the future. The People's Trust for Endangered Species Shop has the ideal pre-made signs produced from recycled plastic.

Hedgehog Highway Sign Product Photo

What else can I do to help hedgehogs?

There are lots of ideas for encouraging hedgehogs and giving them the best chance of visiting your outside space on the How to help page.

Any other questions?

Please see the FAQs page for answers to common questions.